Itching is a sensation. Most of the people do not take it as seriously, Medically as pruritus (irritation of the skin). Seviour itching may cause feeling shy, discomfort, and it is leading to disturbed sleep, anxiety and depression. Generally it is a symptom of menopause.
- Dry skin - Hypertension
- Ageing - Contact & atopic dermatitis
- Insect bites - Irritant like soap and chemicals
- Measles - Allergic reactions
- Atopic dermatitis - Hives
- Hepatitis - Sunburn
- Liver diseases - Anemia
Itching is commonly seen in elder people,
- Approximately 20% of all adults.
- 10-50% of patient who seek medical attention for itching.
- Itching due to pooling of bile in the gallbladder and liver.
- Occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, It is resolved after delivery.
- Substances causing dilation of blood vessels like caffeine, alcohol and spices may provoke itching.
Home care
- Avoid scratching.
- Covering the affected area can help prevent scratching.
- Keep your fingure nail short.
- Use gloves at night.
- Use cool, wet compresses.
- Taking bath with water sprinkled with baking soda or uncooked oatmeal may help.
- use smooth-texture cotton clothing.
- Use mild, unscented detergents.
- Avoid substances that irritated your skin, including perfumes and jewellery.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to excessive heat and humidity.
- Use emollients, especially if the skin is dry.
Treatment and Drug
- Aspirin
- Menthol, Calamine.
- Mild topical corticosteroids for short period.
- Opioid antagonists like buturphanol and naltrexone.
- Light therapy (photo therapy)
- Dry skin - Hypertension
- Ageing - Contact & atopic dermatitis
- Insect bites - Irritant like soap and chemicals
- Measles - Allergic reactions
- Atopic dermatitis - Hives
- Hepatitis - Sunburn
- Liver diseases - Anemia
Itching is commonly seen in elder people,
- Approximately 20% of all adults.
- 10-50% of patient who seek medical attention for itching.
- Itching due to pooling of bile in the gallbladder and liver.
- Occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, It is resolved after delivery.
- Substances causing dilation of blood vessels like caffeine, alcohol and spices may provoke itching.
Home care
- Avoid scratching.
- Covering the affected area can help prevent scratching.
- Keep your fingure nail short.
- Use gloves at night.
- Use cool, wet compresses.
- Taking bath with water sprinkled with baking soda or uncooked oatmeal may help.
- use smooth-texture cotton clothing.
- Use mild, unscented detergents.
- Avoid substances that irritated your skin, including perfumes and jewellery.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to excessive heat and humidity.
- Use emollients, especially if the skin is dry.
Treatment and Drug
- Aspirin
- Menthol, Calamine.
- Mild topical corticosteroids for short period.
- Opioid antagonists like buturphanol and naltrexone.
- Light therapy (photo therapy)
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