Breathing difficulty (Dyspnoea)

Breathing difficulty will occur when there is a insufficient exchange of Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide, in the tissue causing Tissue Anoxia or Cynosis. Tissue most sensitive to oxygen lack are Cerebral Cortex, The Myocardium and Kidney. 

- Lack of Oxygen in the atmosphere. 
- Block of the air passage by fluid, gases, foreign bodies, swelling of tissue etc.
- Loss of aerating surface in the lungs.
- Dis-functioning of the respiratory organs.
- Loss of oxygen carrying power of the blood due to anemia.
- Overloading of the stomach with the food.  

General Care
- Give Psychological support.
- Avoid over crowding, and the room should be well ventilated to supply fresh air.
- Ventilation of the lungs can be achieved by artificial respiration.
- Provide sitting position which can me maintained by the back rest and extra pillows.
- Steam inhalation is easier to smooth-en the mucosa and to liquefy sputum and expectorate                      
   it out.
- Small & frequent feeds are provided for the person with Dyspnoea. 


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