Home remedies

Some basic tips to cure our common diseases like fever, cough, stomach ache etc. Holy basil, Cardamom, Neem leaves etc will help us to cure some general diseases. Now a days people are not aware about this. So i would like to make them aware about some common natural medicine.

Holy basil
- To recover from cough & bronchitis, water which contains holy basil, dried ginger & pepper.
- A hot mixture of turmeric & neem oil help us to cure wound. 
- Use dried ginger powder & honey for cough.
- Turmeric powder with water can be used for itching.

- Chewing cardamom will help us to prevent or avoid vomiting.

Nut mug
- Half tea spoon of Nut mug, one tea spoon of honey can be used for diarrhea.

Curry leaf
- It is helpful for stomach diseases. Curry leaves paste can cure irritable bowel syndrom, a                               type of diarrhea. 

 - Fomentation by 5 gm of pepper and a pinch of Holy basil leaves, may help us to cure Bronchitis. 

Lose temper

Angry person react fast with out thinking because, The cerebral cortex (part of brain) controls our decision & sensible reaction while the limbic system of the strong feeling center of the brain. Amygdala, which is present in the temporal lobe of the brain and is a part of limbic system. routes the "emotionally charged" stimuli to this system bypassing the cortex (it is called amygdala hyjacking). The adrenal glands then pump in the stress hormones-adrenaline and cortisol-and as a result the angry person reacts aggressively without thinking

Some of the physical changes in the body when a person is angry are :
 Tense muscles, Head ache, High blood-pressure, Hypertension, High body temperature,              Excessive perspiration

Ancient method of treatment

The belief of ancient people is our body has basically three parts Spirit (air), Phlegm and Bile. The Physicians used all five senses. Hearing was used to distinguish the nature of breathing, alternative in voice & the grinding sound produced by the rubbing together of broken end of bones. Personal hygiene is important for the treatment. Two meals a day were prescribed with indication of the nature of the diet,the amount of water to be drunk before & after the meal. Bathing, Care of the skin, Cleaning of teeth with twigs from neem trees, massaging the body with oil & use of eye washes were carefully prescribed.

3000 BC                                - the health is physically, mentally, socially & spiritually fit.

2000 BC                                - take care about health promotion & health education by the way of                                                                

1000 BC                                - Health & Curative treatment are the two aims of medical science.

  800 BC                                - Medical knowledge spread through Vedas by Bhela called                                                                                                  
                                                 Bhela Samhitha.
  700 BC                                - a system of medical knowledge by Agnivesa, follower of
                                                 Atreya called Agnivesa samhita become the basis of later Charaka.

   600 BC                               - a work by Kasyapa, mainly dealing with Pediatrics.

   500 BC                               - Chiravastu, a book written by unknown author.
    272 BC - 236 BC               - King Asoka, a convert to Buddhism, built number of hospitals.

    237 BC - 201 BC               - St Buddha institute appointed Doctor's for every 10 villages.
    200 BC - 100 BC               - Patanjali blow up the Yoga system of philosophy & physical discipline
                                                  for men.

    100 BC                               - Charaka Samhitha, deals with an almost all branches of medicine,
                                                  anatomy, physiology, ectiology, prognosis, pathology, treatment
                                                  procedure & materia media for more than 600 drugs.

    200 AD - 300 AD              - Sushrutha Samhitha mainly emphasis on surgery is a great work described
                                                 more than 300 operations, 43 surgical processes & 121 different types of
                                                 instruments have been revised by Nagarjuna.

    500 AD - 600 AD              - AD Vagbhata wrote Astanga Hridaya.

    600 AD - 800 AD              - Sodhala (700 AD) two works, Gandanigraha a medical work, & Sodhala
                                                 a medical dictionary.

    800 AD - 1300 AD            - many works were written in India. Arkaprakasha a book on tincture
                                                 extraction, Sarangadhara Samhita, Chikitsa Sangraha & Yoga Rathnakara
                                                 are the better known among them.

  1300 AD - 1600 AD            - Bhava Prakasha by Bhavamisra is the most famous Indian work during
                                                 this period.

   1600 AD                             - East India Company established Western Medical & Surgery in India.

Cure for Diabetics

Yesterday, when I read a health magazine, short note on insulin had strike me and I would like to share the information through this blog. I think this is a happy news for diabetic patient. The Walter & Eliza institute researchers in Melbourne had found the reaction of atom in an insulin, and it help us to get relief from daily injection. Insulin works in the body of a patient by converting sugar contents in the blood into an energy. Another factor is to reduce the coast of diabetic treatment. Thus, it can prove a great change.    

History of Indian Medicine

Concepts of Indian medicine are from Vedas, in the period of  3000 BC - 1400 BC. It is  known as the Vedic period of Indian history. Ayurveda an ancient system of medicine, got by Dhanvantari from Brahma. Dhanvantari was known as the ' God of Medicine '. The Vedas contain rich magical practices for the treatment of diseases. The Vedic medicine period ends on 800 BC.
                   Brahmanistic period ( 800 BC - AD 1000 ) is known as the Golden age of Indian medicine, seen in Charaka Samhita & Sushruta Samhita.

Natural Tips and Tricks to Prevent Hair Fall

It's better to use natural products to stop hairfall than to go in for expensive parlour treatments, that may not help the problem.

Try the following easy tips at home and see how effective they are in reducing hair loss!
1. Hot oil treatments: Take any natural oil - olive, coconut, canola - and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair.
2. Natural juices: You can rub your scalp with either garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning.
3. Get a head massage: Massaging your scalp for a few minutes daily will help stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Circulation may be improved through massage by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base.
4. Antioxidants: Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.
5. Practice meditation: Believe it or not, most of the times, the root cause for hair loss isstress and tension. Meditation can help in reducing that and restore hormonal balance.